Per la revoca dell'invito allo stato d'Israele come ospite d'onore alla Fiera del libro (appello)
La fondazione di Israele, proclamata il 15 Maggio 1948, è avvenuta in seguito alla cacciata degli abitanti Palestinesi dalla terra su cui il nuovo Stato è sorto. Tale drammatico evento, il "Nakba", è iniziato nel dicembre 1947, ed alla proclamazione dello Stato Ebraico erano già stati espulsi dalle loro case centinaia di migliaia di palestinesi; creato lo stato, una delle prime preoccupazioni fu di rendere loro impossibile il ritorno alle proprie case e ai propri campi, ed altre centinaia di migliaia di persone furono cacciate in seguito.
(Vedere B. Morris, The Birth of the PalestinianRefugee Problem Revisited, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004; Ilan Pappé, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Oneworld Publications, Oxford, 2007).
Questa azione di "pulizia etnica" continua tuttora, dopo 60 anni.
Prosegue in Cisgiordania; le città di Hebron e Gerusalemme sono solo un esempio. Muro e blocchi stradali impediscono la normale vita quotidiana ed ostacolano lo sviluppo economico, causando un'emigrazione forzata. Il Muro esclude dai confini at least 50,000 Palestinians in Jerusalem to which Israel had so far given an identity card for locals.
From 23 February to 3 March, the ferocious Israeli attack in Gaza has caused 130 deaths. An Israeli minister has threatened to
Gaza, today, continues to be under siege, not even the sick are allowed to go out for treatment. The medical journal The Lancet of 2 to 8 February 2008, writes Jan McGirk the death of a twenty-one affected by seminoma: "Erez crossing, the crossing point with Israel, which is the only place you can get out of Gaza, was a problem: the doctors had judged to be too weak to face questioning at the border. In November, died of liver metastases. Over the past six months have died at least 20 other critically ill patients, at checkpoints, in the beds of the hospitals of Gaza, or at home, waiting for permission to leave ". And he continued, citing the statement of Margaret Chan, Director-General World Health Organization, "particularly concerned by the frequent power cuts and the limitation of fuel to run hospital generators: what stops the operation of intensive care units, operating rooms, emergency departments" .
Patients Strip was also reduced dialysis, which is essential to the life of patients with renal failure
: Israel has barred entry of spare parts for medical equipment. The Lancet report
journalist still underweight children between 9 and 12 months of age are
increased by 60% this since June 2007, when it was still more closely the siege. The World Food Programme reports that, in Gaza, 77.5% of children between 9 and 12 months are anemic.
In Gaza, in September, the children went to school without books: Israel entered the Gaza Strip would not let the paper. Still, schools in Gaza lack electricity, heating, learning materials are essential.
Turin, with the City
What's more
This decision at the local level in the same direction of the Italian and European policy and European Union continue to be complicit in the violation of the historical rights of the people Palestinian, instead giving their support to the government and the army of Israel, just think of the agreement Italy-Israel military cooperation, the embargo imposed after the recent elections in Palestine, the status of a privileged nation recognized by Israel ' European Union despite the fact that the clause which makes respect for human rights ...
Years ago, it said Sandro Pertini, in a New Year's message: " (...) I visited the cemeteries of Sabra and Chatila. It's something that anguish see where this cemetery are buried victims of this horrendous massacre. The head of that horrible massacre is still in government in Israel. It almost goes bold fact of the massacre. It is a responsibility which should be given the notice of society. "
We measure from the words of the then President of the Republic of the huge decline
Italian institutions. Another one would expect from a city of anti-fascist tradition.
Many people are moving to counteract this policy of normalization, the de facto acceptance of the crimes of the State of Israel.
The mobilization against the
The March 29, 2008 Piazza Castello is the place to show their support for the Palestinian people
that commemorates the day after "Earth Day".
On 30 March 1976 were killed at the hands of Israeli soldiers, seven young Palestinians
citizens of the State of Israel, who were demonstrating peacefully against the expropriation by the Israeli government to lands of the Palestinians in the Galilee and the Negev. Since then, every year, March 30, all Palestinians commemorate the massacre to remember and report their condition to the whole world of people without land and without rights.
Assemblea Free_Palestine-Torino
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