30 Marzo 2008 h 10.30_centro sociale Askatasuna (c.so regina margherita 47-Torino): Assemblea nazionale per
Malgrado le illustri defezioni che vedono le tre “bandiere” di Israele Yehoshua, Oz e Grossmann declinare l'invito a presenziare alla Fiera del Libro, gli organizzatori non sembrano ancora trovare la minima decenza e recedere dalla propria decisione di invitare Israele come ospite of honor.
seems that the organizers will continue to march though with uncertain steps. Given the situation that we are determined to intensify the mobilization. The hysterical reaction to what we saw on the pages of the Corriere della Sera after the publication of the letter, which called on President Napolitano on an to inaugurate the fair
On March 6, action is the eleventh anniversary of the twinning Torino / Gaza: a date and made totally removed. Not only did not want to remember, despite n ur letter to the council about it, but continue with the series of NEFA gifts is sti the Palestinian people and its cause is the city of Gaza Strip and all
We ask all her friends and all his companions to be present, following the appointment of 29 March, at a meeting to discuss the progress of mobilization and do an assessment of the political stage and work in the territory to harmonize initiatives.
May is coming and then serve the maximum energy by all those who are outraged at the injustices that are perpetuated in Palestine and throughout the Middle East.
Sunday, 3/30/2008 National Assembly in Turin
Ore 10.30 c / o social center Askatasuna
C.so Regina Margherita 47
Assembly Free P alestine - Torino
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