Thursday, March 6, 2008

Gps Equipped Helicopter Rabbit


the Mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino

Today, March 6, 2008, marks the eleventh anniversary of the twinning between Turin and Gaza. Just at this time in the hospitals of the city is trying to save the lives of the wounded from the bombing of the Israeli army in an effort to stop the increase of the budget tragic death of this latest air strike and ground.

The images, once again, have been around the world on the Web and through television circuits: broken homes, children in tears, torn corpses collected in the street. Tutto questo in una città che da mesi soffre la mancanza di cibo, di acqua, di medicinali e carburante dovuta all’embargo del governo Olmert, che ha portato alla disperazione delle famiglie palestinesi e ai conseguenti disordini al confine con l’Egitto. Anche in questo caso, le immagini delle donne e delle madri che hanno sfondato le barriere poste al confine egiziano per avere accesso a generi alimentari di prima necessità hanno commosso il mondo intero.

Lei, invece, ha scelto il silenzio. Non una parola ha speso, signor Sindaco, per la strage di Gaza, dove già oltre 120 persone, tra cui molte donne e bambini, hanno perso la vita in poche ore; non una parola in questi mesi per l’embargo, per la crisi umanitaria which puts the knee in economic and social life of the Gaza Strip. She chose silence because this year, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for the Turin Book, gave his approval convinced the invitation of Israel as guest of honor at the International Book Fair. Clearly, for she is the most important strategic alliance with Israel, with its economy - as shown by the decision to inaugurate a chamber of commerce throughout Turin voted to make money with this trade ally - respect for the human compassion for the many victims of political Israel in Palestine.

However, the twinning between Turin and Gaza is a fact historical and institutional, and you can not ignore it. This relationship between the two cities should not be a formality, nor should the meaning of sacrifice on the altar of a political, economic and military alliance between Italy and Israel that so many of Turin and Turin do not share, offended by the atrocities in the minds of foolish which receive daily news.
His silence thus expresses the bias question, the policy choice of states to approve the actions of the fittest, not taking the word in favor of the weaker. In turn away to face the tragedies of war is vividly expressed in all the poverty and weakness of the political culture that she represents.

L’Assemblea Free Palestine


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