What follows is the call sign "Free Palestine Assembly" in which we invite publishers to boycott the book fair in Turin 2008, and to participate in alternative exhibition to be held at the University of Turin.
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Dear Editor,
this is a call that as the Assembly Free Palestine (community centers, grassroots unions, international associations, etc.) are sent to all publishers.
As you know this year's Book Fair in Turin has decided to invite as guest of honor the state of Israel. Just in 2008 the State of Israel celebrates 60 years since its foundation, an anniversary that Palestinians remember the word Nakba (catastrophe), the birth of Israel has meant to them 850,000 refugees, hundreds of destroyed villages, killed and wounded.
60 years of Israel also mean a policy that has always been carried out with constant abuse on the Palestinian population, the torture of political prisoners in the bombing on civilians, from the construction of the apartheid wall continues to the suppression of human rights universally recognized.
We are in solidarity with the Palestinian people and challenged the call made by Book Fair as this inevitably leads to a measure of legitimacy of Israeli politics.
Several intellectuals and writers, Italians and foreigners, share our position and calling for a boycott, as the book fair contest today clearly does not mean boycotting the literature, nor the Israeli literature, but denounce the position taken by the organizers of ' event, and local institutions, which is in fact concrete support for the cause of the oppressor.
Strong objections have also carried out by several Israeli writers and poets among them the greatest living Israeli poet Aharon Shabtai, and Ilan Pappe, author of The ethnic cleansing of Palestine and former professor at the University of Haifa, which, of course, were not invited to the fair.
As Assembly Free Palestine we are planning to build a "fair alternative" to be held at the University of Turin on Thursday 8 and Friday, May 9, 2008. In the event that his publishing house intended to join and would thereby express solidarity with the Palestinian people, please feel free to sign the following appeal. We will inform you about developments of concern and ways of participation.
this is a call that as the Assembly Free Palestine (community centers, grassroots unions, international associations, etc.) are sent to all publishers.
As you know this year's Book Fair in Turin has decided to invite as guest of honor the state of Israel. Just in 2008 the State of Israel celebrates 60 years since its foundation, an anniversary that Palestinians remember the word Nakba (catastrophe), the birth of Israel has meant to them 850,000 refugees, hundreds of destroyed villages, killed and wounded.
60 years of Israel also mean a policy that has always been carried out with constant abuse on the Palestinian population, the torture of political prisoners in the bombing on civilians, from the construction of the apartheid wall continues to the suppression of human rights universally recognized.
We are in solidarity with the Palestinian people and challenged the call made by Book Fair as this inevitably leads to a measure of legitimacy of Israeli politics.
Several intellectuals and writers, Italians and foreigners, share our position and calling for a boycott, as the book fair contest today clearly does not mean boycotting the literature, nor the Israeli literature, but denounce the position taken by the organizers of ' event, and local institutions, which is in fact concrete support for the cause of the oppressor.
Strong objections have also carried out by several Israeli writers and poets among them the greatest living Israeli poet Aharon Shabtai, and Ilan Pappe, author of The ethnic cleansing of Palestine and former professor at the University of Haifa, which, of course, were not invited to the fair.
As Assembly Free Palestine we are planning to build a "fair alternative" to be held at the University of Turin on Thursday 8 and Friday, May 9, 2008. In the event that his publishing house intended to join and would thereby express solidarity with the Palestinian people, please feel free to sign the following appeal. We will inform you about developments of concern and ways of participation.
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