Sunday, March 13, 2011

What A Program Analyst Does

Fear of nuclear emergency in three central Japan.

The Japanese government has talked about possible risks of the merger process in reactors 1 and 3 of the Fukushima No. 1 center on the northeast coast of Japan, which was hit last Friday by the earthquake and following tsunami.

now threatens to blow up the No. 3 reactor, which also suffered heavy damage to fuel rods. Attempts to avoid it, said Minister of Economy and Industry in Japan, "had no effect." Smoke comes out from another nuclear plant in Miyagi prefecture. And the IAEA warns.

Meanwhile, an increasing death toll: 1,600. But only in Miyagi prefecture if they estimate more than 10 000. Appeal by the Prime Minister Kan: 'Never so' hard from the second world war, not "there will be another Chernobyl." And the impact of the quake on the Japanese economy will be "substantial." The government spokesman said.

REACTOR SYSTEM FREEZES TOKAI - The cooling system of nuclear power plant in Tokai, Ibaraki prefecture (120 km from Tokyo), has crashed. He reports the fire command, quoted by the agency Kyodo.

AGENCY, MORE LIKELY STRONG SHOCK - The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), considered 'probable', based on historical data, a second earthquake of magnitude 7 in the region between Sendai and Tokyo, beginning at about 100 km to the geographical north of Tokyo. The probability ', In addition, about 70% over the next three days and about 50% in subsequent years. Based on the statistics, the rectangle in which the theoretical geographic Jma localizes as likely an earthquake of magnitude 7 and 'a very large part of the ocean and includes only marginally Tokyo.

IAEA; EMERGENCY IN CENTRAL ONAGAWA - It 's been decreed a state of emergency in a second nuclear power plant in Japan, affected by the devastating earthquake on Friday. This was announced by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). "The Japanese authorities - writes a statement of the UN, which is based in Vienna - have informed the IAEA that the first (ie lowest) state of alert has been decided in the central Onagawa of the Tohoku Electric Power Company. "According to Japanese reports, the IAEA, the three reactors of the nuclear site Onagawa" are under control "and" alert was declared for the fact that the levels of radioactivity were recorded higher than the levels allowed in the area close to Central. "The Japanese authorities are trying to determine the source of radiation."

SMOKE EVEN FROM CENTRAL MIYAGI - The output of smoke was also reported by another nuclear power plant of Miyagi Prefecture. The public television reported, the NHK.

GOVERNMENT REMAINS SERIOUS PROBLEM REACTOR - "We are checking the status of the No. 3 reactor fuel rods. '" He said government spokesman Yukio Edan, stating that "the water in the reactor tends not to rise. The situation remains critical."
KAN MORE TIME 'DIFFICULT TO POST-WAR - "It' s the most difficult moment since the end of World War II: I ask all the great unity." And 'the appeal launched by Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, speaking to the nation. "There will be another Chernobyl," said Khan. "The radiation was released into the air, but there are surveys that tell us that this was done to a great extent," said Khan, in relation to the serious problems of central Fukushima 1, quoted by Jiji. "This situation is fundamentally different from 'accident Chernobyl (1986, ed.) We are working to prevent the damage caused by the spread of radizioni.

EMBASSY OF FRANCE CALLS TO LEAVE TOKYO - The French Embassy in Tokyo asks its citizens to leave Tokyo and its region, the risks associated with the earthquake, including " the risk of contamination. "The French Embassy has advised its citizens to leave Tokyo and the Kanto region, the metropolitan area, because of the risk of further earthquakes and uncertainty about the state of damage to nuclear facilities. "It seems reasonable to suggest to those who have no particular reason to stay in the region of Tokyo, the Kanto region to leave for a couple of days," it said in a statement on the Web the diplomatic mission in Japan, which can be read with difficulty due to the excessive number of contacts. "We strongly advise our citizens - can be read again - not to visit Japan and you are strongly advised to postpone a planned visit." As for the nuclear case scenario, "perhaps the explosion of a reactor caused the release of radioactive gas which could reach Tokyo in a few hours, depending on the speed and wind direction. The risk is that of contamination. The critical period is three or four days to come. "

ALLARME ATOMICO SPINGE STRANIERI VIA DA TOKYO  - L'allarme sulla tenuta del reattore n3 della centrale nucleare di Fukushima, in aggiunta a quello sul reattore n1, sta spingendo molti stranieri a pianificare la partenza da Tokyo e dalle aree limitrofe. "Non siamo al panico, ma c'é molta apprensione", spiega all'Ansa un manager di una multinazionale. Secondo altre fonti, sono migliaia le prenotazioni aeree già fatte, "almeno per i bambini, approfittando della pausa scolastica".

OLTRE 10.000 MORTI A MIYAGI - Sono più di 10.000 i morti stimati nella prefettura di Miyagi, one of the hardest hit by the earthquake-tsunami verndì. The public television reported, the NHK, citing police sources. "I have no doubt," said Naoto Takeuchi, chief of police of the prefecture of Miyagi, the note of NHK, in relation to the estimated catastrophic. The capital of Sendai, in fact, has been devastated by the tidal wave over 10 feet high and hundreds of bodies were found along the coasts of the prefecture. The official, however, speak a little more than 800 victims, who are hardest-hit Miyagi prefecture.

EXPLOSION HAZARD TO REACTOR N3 - There is a risk that the n3 Fukushima reactor, now under stress, can have an explosion similar to that del reattore n1. Lo ha detto il capo di gabinetto, Yukio Edano, parlando dell'accumulo di idrogeno a causa della decompressione in corso.
"Anche se in teoria si verificasse l'esplosione, il reattore non avrebbe problemi", ha spiegato Edano, ripercorrendo quasi lo stesso copione di ieri, proprio i relazione a quanto accadrebbe al cosiddetto 'piano operativo', la grande camera sistemata sul reattore. Edano ha anche sottolineato che "il volume delle radiazioni del reattore n1 sta scendendo velocemente.

PAPA, PREGO PER VITTIME,VICINO A GENTE - Benedetto XVI, subito dopo l'Angelus, ha espresso oggi "forte impressione" per le notizie e le immagini sul "tragico terremoto" e il conseguente tsunami in Giappone. Ha anche pregato per le vittime e per i loro familiari, incoraggiando i soccorritori e rinnovando la sua "spirituale vicinanza" alla popolazioni del Paese "che con dignità e coraggio stanno facendo fronte alle conseguenze di tali calamità"."Le immagini del tragico terremoto e del conseguente tsunami in Giappone ci hanno lasciato tutti fortemente impressionati", ha detto il Papa nel dopo Angelus. "Desidero rinnovare la mia spirituale vicinanza alle care popolazioni di quel Paese, che con dignità e coraggio stanno facendo fronte alle conseguenze di tali calamità - ha proseguito -. Prego per le vittime e per i loro familiari, e per tutti coloro che soffrono a causa di questi tremendi eventi. Incoraggio quanti, con encomiabile prontezza, si stanno impegnando per portare help "." We remain united in prayer. The Lord is near! "It called for the Pope.

ELECTRICITY CAN STOP '- The electricity supply may be interrupted, starting from Tokyo, because the stop of nuclear facilities. The said Minister of Economy and Industry, Banro Kaieda, in a press conference.

MAGAZINE A MAGNITUDE 9 - The magnitude of the earthquake that hit Japan and 'has been revised to 9 against the previous estimate of 8.8 (was 8 , 9 according to the USGS). The announcement was made today, the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), adding that it is an earthquake among the most 'powerful ever recorded.

RISKS IN FUSION REACTOR 2 - The Japanese government has warned against the risk of melting process in reactors 1 and 3 of the central Fukushima n1, which was hit last Friday by the earthquake and tsunami. "We believe it is highly possible that there has been a concentration," he said at a press conference the government spokesman, Yukio Edan, as to the risks of merger, "we can not verify what happens in the heart of the reactor, but we are making progress with respect to this hypothesis. " Speaking of work to make the safety of the two reactors in Fukushima, Edan has recognized that radiation levels have risen for venting steam slightly contaminated, between operations lower blood pressure combined with the pumping of cooling water. "Increased levels of radiation has so far been within the range expected, while activities are ongoing," said Edan yet, adding that fluctuations in radiation levels do not involve health concerns. 'E' but more likely to see fluctuations, while continuing relief operations, "he said. For its part, TEPCO, the operator of the plant, insisted there is no risk of contamination.

IAEA, 140 THOUSAND TO EVACUATE AREA FUKUSHIMA - Around 140 000 people evacuated from the area in which they arise Fukushima Fukushima 1 and 2, the two nuclear power plants were damaged by the violent earthquake which yesterday colpito il Giappone. Lo ha reso noto stasera l'Aiea, l'Agenzia dell'Onu per l'energia nucleare, in un comunicato diffuso dalla sua sede di Vienna dopo avere ricevuto informazioni direttamente dalle autorità nipponiche. Secondo l'Aiea, dall'area di Fukushima 1 sono state allontanate 110 mila persone che si trovavano all'interno di un raggio di 20 chilometri dall'impianto. Dall'area attorno alla seconda centrale sono state fatte evacuare 30 mila persone. La procedura, secondo l'Aiea, è stata completata.

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Funbrain Pop Tropical

Korea becomes superpower with Homefront, the new shooter for PS3 and Xbox 360.

The new shooter for PS3 and Xbox 360 release on March 15. An idea born from the imagination of political fiction John Milius, screenwriter of "Apocalypse Now". Talk to an ex- CIA agent who worked on the making of the game: "There is realism in the representation of violence"

United States on their knees to the unchecked rise in oil prices, which they attach together the two Koreas, Japan and become the pri1ma Asian power, the failure of the UN and the economic collapse of Europe. These are some of the events that make up the fictional prologue Homefront shooter games out March 15 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, in which a former pilot joins the resistance in America invaded Korea.

in the game to support the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitical fiction created by the imagination of John Milius, screenwriter of Apocalypse Now and Red Dawn (the latter on the invasion of the Soviet USA) New York Studio Kaos has used the help of Tae Kim. Growing up in South Korea under the military dictatorship and moved to the States after graduating he worked for several years for the CIA: "I can not go into too much detail, but we say that gathered information on North Korea." Why use your

Korea as an enemy of a video game?
"seemed less obvious than Russia or China. Much has been made of the likelihood of the events of Homefront, which takes place in 2027, then in a time far enough to give rise to speculation about future events. Viewed that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game was telling the viewpoint of a citizen had to fight to free America from the invasion of Korea, my job was to rebuild a credible series of events that could lead to this scenario. Often if you look at two distant events in time, the second does not seem attributable to the first, but then, if we analyze the individual episodes that led to that result, everything becomes clearer. "

The invasion is the biggest fear that is gripping the U.S.?
"Personally, I think like me now are more concerned by the increase in gasoline."

The game, however, the extreme political situation is still hot.
"In my opinion the situation between the two Koreas has not changed much over the past 20 years. It's easy, every skirmish, to think that there is a new factor in the crisis, but in fact North Korea has always been fairly consistent with its geopolitical strategy: to take provocative actions against the neighbors and keep their people in desperate conditions, corresponds to a specific logic of maintaining the status quo and control of power. "

What is then the exchange of fire took place last November?
" In fact the South and North Korea are still technically at war since the 1950-1953 conflict ended only with an armistice. Even if the media gave great prominence to the story, the artillery attack by the North, though inexcusable, was not a surprise as we have said, in fact it was made informing the South and knowing that the military response would not be was likely to lead to the explosion of a global conflict. As I said this is a political strategy, rather than attempts to trigger a full-scale war. "

Anche se si tratta di fiction, come crede che i videogame bellici dipingano la guerra?
"Se mi chiede se sono realistici le rispondo di no, altrimenti non sarebbero divertenti. In guerra ci sono vittime e nella realtà non ci si rimette in sesto così in fretta da una ferita. Lo stesso vale per lo stress psicologico: la tecnologia odierna non è in grado di far provare le paure che si sperimentano ad esempio quando si è in missione, sotto copertura, in un Paese straniero; in certe situazioni basta un'espressione del volto per capire se una persona è quel che dice di essere e questo può avere conseguenze sulla vita di un agente. Inoltre, a differenza di un videogame, alla fine di una missione quasi mai si prova it ends in happiness or glory. What today in games like Homefront is possible to represent in a realistic manner is the effect of violence, but remember that this is still a form of entertainment, which is equivalent to the cinema or literature "

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Friday, March 11, 2011

Sample Letter Of Invitation From Kosovo


Sono una micina di circa due anni, piccina piccina. Ho il pelo beige chiaro molto originale e gli occhi color... nocciola!Sono un angelo: starei a fare le fusa per ore ma algattile purtroppo nessuno ha tempo per coccolarmi...Quando parlano di me mi chiamano lʼAmericana perché la mia padrona è tornata in patria e mi ha lasciato al gattile.Cerco solo qualcuno a cui dare affetto, vuoi portarmi via con te?Per informazioni sulla sua adozione: 055-645255 (dopo le ore 20)Adozioni Firenze e Provincia, firma modulo; no giardino o altri gatti

How To Know If Heater Core Is Bad, Volvo S60


Maya è arrivata al gattile in estate con la sua prima litter, as a result of neglect. All her kittens have found a real home but she is still there in the fence, waiting ... And very good and cuddly and has only a year and a half. And already sterilized. He has much love to give!

For information about adoptions: 055-645255 (after 20) or 388-1067914adozioni Florence Province, signed form, no garden

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Comercial Agreement Form

We use what we haves

The Belgian Gunter Pauli, founder of Zeri (Zero Emissions Research Initiative ) who for years traveling the world to know and put into practice his theories, presented yesterday, March 9, at Rome his new book, Blue Economy - 10 years, 100 inventions, 100 million jobs , published by Edizioni Ambiente . During the conference, held at Palazzo De Carolis from WWF and the banking group UniCredit , which launched an ambitious program for reducing emissions of CO2 acquiring large solar power plants, and marketing guru green technologies has exposed futuristic ideas, at first sight, but data in hand, achievable.

the motto 'we use what we have (we use what we haves )', as does any natural ecosystem, which knows no waste or globalization, Paul has added a number of corollaries:

- be creative and innovative;
- use physics to your advantage (eg. variables such as pressure and temperature) and not the chemical
- creating synergies between activities and spin-offs for other activities (based on the theorem of physics that 'nothing is created and nothing is destroyed ');
- not to produce waste
- create jobs;
- do (taking a lead from nature, but do not try).

'best choices', and Pauli, 'are the cheapest' (meaning to 'economy' the intelligent use of resources). The advantage of this enlightened vision is a business model designed to measure and adapted to local communities: a vehicle for sustainability and economic development.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Happened To Cytheria


Mao at all, my name is ariel, I have about 5 years and now live in the cattery.
Primavivevo quiet and peaceful in my little house but a bad day they took me away because of the little house had become allergic me!
but I'm not good at the cat shelter, I love cuddles and attention and then I do not love my fellow ... I want to take away with you?? Adoptions
only Florence and its province, signed form, no garden (preferably no other cats, ariel is jealous of his kind!)
for info 055-645255 or 388-1067914 after 20

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Place A Call On My Dvr


mustache and a beautiful cat, sweet sweet

ma tanto tanto triste...

Baffo ha dovuto sopportare la morte del suo amato compagno umano ,i parenti non l’hanno voluto e il povero micio ha dovuto lasciare anche la sua casa.

Adesso vive al gattile ma per lui è dura abituarsi...piange tantissimo..forse chiama il suo padrone..o forse chiama te?!

ha solo 3 anni-sterilizzato.

For info 055-645255 after 20

or 388-1067914

Adoptions only Florence and

no garden

Cubefield Final Level


'm a pussycat of a year cuddly and very used to being at home.

had a mistress at the time to return home abandoned me, leaving me alone in the cattery!

Minni would both find a new home and reliable people that they love,

but this time forever!

Little is sterilized

Per info 055-645255 dopo le ore 20 oppure 388-1067914

adozione solo Firenze e provincia

Friday, March 4, 2011

Long Island,ny-cheap Exercise Bikes

The bluff of the judicial auctions in the hands of bosses and businessmen: recycling goal. From March

The advent of professionals in the game of acquisitions has increased the benefits for few and the lack of transparency in business for ten billion. It becomes impossible for citizens to buy a house.

One in ten changed hands at auction proceedings. A large market in the housing market. Is constantly growing, with thirty percent of transactions in each year. Fifteenthousands the properties sold in 2010.

With forecasts of further expansion, whereas the properties at risk of enforcement proceedings are more than double. Ten of the 100 billion bag of bricks are already being spent well, within a system that, on paper, has thousands of guarantees of transparency, but that operators first considered a prairie to the incursions of speculators, businessmen and mafia.

The old owners covered by hook or by crook in possession of property lost, new buyers are encouraged to drop the deal or pay substantial bribes to no obstacle. Agencies operating in the sunlight and fixers who offer themselves as consultants to auction infiltrate the folds of the rules that govern the charms, they will control the outcome and are buying up properties.

For the common citizen to venture in buying a house or a piece of land offered for sale by the courts amounts to often take a path full of pitfalls. To forestall such action the intermediary becomes the only alternative. But how does this work? Where are the traps? What tricks?

The lords of the houses.

An expert who knows that world auction candidly admits: "For a buyer who decides to compete alone, hopes to successfully conclude the deal is thin and very thin and is mainly expected to wrest property in prices. That job is for those who can hold off the deals to bring down the price and come into play only when the cuts have plunged the value of the property. "

A game of nerves, but also of cunning. Authorizing hurry up methods, such as the removal of competitors prior notice or arrangements that allow shifts in auctions organized groups. It is estimated that at risk is at least twenty percent of sales, figures of two billion euro per year. good peace of the tax that will evaporate part of its revenue in favor of a "tax criminal."

The system provides that the sale is managed by a judge. But, with the objective of speeding up transactions and the backlog, closing within a reasonable time enforcement procedures that last up to 15 years, from March 1, 2006 has introduced the delegation to the professionals. Lawyers, accountants, accountants, notaries as well as they had operated previously, can now proceed with the sale.

auctions are public, anyone can attend - announcements appearing in newspapers and on the Internet - and anyone, unless the former owner, can help. In the sale there's no magic bids in sealed envelopes and kept secret until the date of the award. In the system with magic, however, the deals are formalized by voice. The procedure provides an alternative system for up to six attempts, exhausted such as the property price goes down again and start again.

Before coming forward, in practice, we follow the rules. "We need to know while - says the source who works in the auction world - who owns the property. The name of the owner, especially in certain environments, can say a lot and underground word of mouth let you know if there are no obstacles or if there are specific interests that house on that land or industrial building on that. The rule, in these cases, you stay away as much as possible. Everything must be carried out in utmost secrecy until the auction. In fact, however, , just know in advance if there are other potential buyers and bring them closer, or contact them just after the award to force them to retire or to pay a bribe to get the green light to the deal and the game changes. "

hunting for news.

Those who work in this market knows that information is equivalent to cash. Accaparrarsele is the first goal. The files are in court procedures. They have access to those papers judges and court clerks. Knowing the state of the practice time to ensure a definite advantage. But the idea that only through un'interessata leak can be ensure the record is an understatement. The coming of the professionals in the game of sales has increased, without resolving, the conflicts of interest. It happens that the study is to take care of Enchantment reference to a lawyer who has followed the procedure in the past as counsel for the bank intends to return to the mortgage paid and unpaid. It happens that the valuation has to go for auction is entrusted to a technician who has a family relationship with those who directly or indirectly contribute to the purchase fatally. The experience and reliability required as a condition for the assignment of tasks, show the reverse, the concentration in a few hands of the procedures delegated.

The studies have shed light on the world of rigged auctions reveal the continued presence of "hooks" in-house offering information on a silver platter to be spent over the counter agents who act almost always in groups, with or without the cover of the thighs, depending on the context. But investigations are almost always born in other areas that also reveal the mechanisms of the combine. Interceptions prove to primary sources. In Milan, where there is a record auction ten years ago, a judge was suspicious of the constant presence of some characters in the auctions. Churches and got it opened an investigation. They were also placed bugs and it was discovered that there was a group that can discourage buyers from behind the door of the magistrate with explicit threats.

The last case is just a few days ago in Rome, a history of investigating money laundering and feasts on Council business PDL Francesco Maria Orsi, prosecutors have opened a whole chapter devoted the monopoly of sales of public property. He told the real estate agent Vincenzo La Musto, former partner of Bear, "After the publication of notices, who was interested in buying properties they booked at the Ark in the auction cooperatives. Orsi attended by booking more apartments with Arca. E At that point I intervened. Orsi in fact asked me to participate with one of my company to the notices published by Scip (society for the securitization of public buildings), for those same properties that he had booked with Arca. offers me the money to them gave him cashier's checks. And our success was assured. Because at the time of tenders Orsi was able to tell me what time he had offered Arca. A Once I won the auction Orsi provides the funding necessary to pay through its subsidiaries, including Loyd Team.

From Palermo, Lecce, via Reggio Calabria, three surveys were born around stories of the mafia, have allowed listen live as practices and methods to bend the most diverse interests. But I discovered, as it were random, in surveys for other games.

But what are the methods? Who are the mediators? How do they work?

fatally and investigations of the Mafia that come with the latest information on the distortions of the system. They reveal the existence of white-collar professionals in the service of more or less organized gangs that provide information and experience to drive the system.

White Collar.

in Palermo in 2008, was the powerful clan of Madonia playing with a mysterious lawyer never identified for sure to repossess the property ended up in bankruptcy proceedings. Goods for millions, bought back at auction, it would have escaped through nominees to the preventive measures against assets of the godfathers.

In Calabria, where periodically, have turned the spotlight on each arm, in June, the investigation of the ROS Carabinieri, Meta, coordinated by prosecutor Giuseppe Pignatone has revealed that around two rods at one time rival gangs, those of Imerti-Condello and that of De Stefano-Tegano-Books, under the auspices of Cosimo Alvaro Sinopoli had signed a non-aggression pact in the name of business. They bought property as

able to stay on the market with an immediate solvency. Managed the purchase on behalf of affiliates, but had expanded around the estimated one hundred million euro, serving as true agents.

pin was the key lawyer Vitaliano Brancati Cricket: Not a 'Ndrangheta, a white collar but very useful, "able to pave the way" for awards. A professional, a member of the gray area that "supported", as explained by the national prosecutor Pietro Grasso, the operations of the organized crime. Vitaliano Brancati Grillo would send out his wife Anna Maria Tripepi, also a lawyer, to stock up on real estate. Not only

mafia in Calabria. At Vibo Valentia, in May last year, five ended up arrested after the discovery of a load of marijuana in the warehouse of the head of judicial sales. It was rebuilt from there a combination of the above auctions of movable property. The rest said a businessman who had lost their homes at an auction hoax. In the pure brokerage

two families were specialized in Puglia, one led by Salvatore Padovano of Gallipoli, the other by Coluccia Galatina, whose affairs were radiographed in November 2010 by the prosecutor Cataldo Motta led by Lecce. The emissaries of the clan were capable of mediating agencies return the goods to defaulting on payment of a commission. The survey has been a sharp acceleration for a leak that he saw a suspect police officer. It was also found on the agenda which the mediator in the auctions, Giancarlo Carrino of Nardo, had noted all of his speeches. In an off the boss reminded him: "We are bound by complicity.

recycling goal.

Then there is the aspect of money laundering. Between deposit and charges, to participate in an auction, you must have cash: ten percent subito, il saldo dall'aggiudicazione con assegni circolari in un periodo che va dai venti ai sessanta giorni. Tempi troppo stretti se si considerano quelli medi per ottenere un mutuo.

All'acquisto si arriva con assegni circolari emessi dagli istituti bancari. E qui c'è un'altra possibile falla: "Il sistema dei controlli - spiega il professionista delle aste - è assolutamente inesistente. A partire dalla provenienza dei soldi che arrivano a costituire il capitale di acquisto. Basta aggirare le norme antiriciclaggio, con la complicità di una mano amica dietro allo sportello, per trasformare il denaro contante di dubbia provenienza in assegni circolari, e trovarsi in mano soldi puliti con i quali comprare all'asta un bene che rientra nel circuito Legal. Nobody really goes to check how that capital is made up: if it comes from a loan, savings or cleaned up by the massive injection of cash in the bank. "The laundry has it the stamp of the court.

Source: The Republic

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