there is a poster where there is this icon:
Friday, 31 October 21: 00 Condove
Hall Sottochiesa
What does it mean today a company responsible
Meeting with:
Alex Zanotelli Comboni Missionary
Louis Chiampo House of Almer
Paolo Cacciari Author of Thinking Degrowth ed. Intra Moenia
Pierluigi Sullo Direttore di Carta
Luigi Casel Movimento Notav
Coordina Luca Giunti Movimento Notav
Mercoledì 05 novembre 21:00 San Giorio
Centro Polivalente
La montagna che cura
Viaggio attraverso le erbe e le medicine popolari della Valle. Come la tutela del territorio può diventare opportunità di turismo e di lavoro.
Ne parliamo con:
Loredana Matonti Naturalista, esperta di etnobotanica settore aree protette Regione Piemonte
Laura Grandin naturalist-guide Park Lakes Avigliana
Wednesday, November 12 21:00 Avigliana
Middle School Auditorium Defendente Ferrari
Now other energy alternatives
the company's oil and nuclear power are already there.
attend: The editors of the site
Ilio Amis of Esalp (sustainable energy for the Alps)
Daniela Re Network for DIY solar thermal
Thursday, November 13 21:00 Sant'Ambrogio
Council Hall
The glaciers of the Alps: climate thermometer, the water source. Measures and evolution.
Climate Change / retreat of glaciers / decrease sustainable
Daniel Cat Berro, non-profit organization by the Italian Meteorological Society Committee No TAV and supervisory Ambrose Cave
Friday, November 14 21:00 Chiusa di San Michele
Multipurpose Center Via General Cantore
fair trade groups and the short chain. What are they, how they are formed and their political and economic importance.
Silvia Aloia How can affect the gas in the economy and their political importance.
Tweety Giorgione The experience of the Gas Valsusa born in garrison Bruzolo
Reinotti Walter Farmer, Valsusa Association. Why the short chain
Friday, November 14 21:00 Torino
Sala del quartiere di Pozzo Strada, via Vipacco 15
Tav e Tunnel sotto Corso Marche : progresso o spreco di risorse ?
Incontro con i cittadini, con proiezione di video sulle conseguenze dei lavori per la costruzione del TAV in Italia, a cura di Oscar Margaira di Ambientevalsusa
Partecipa Fabrizio Piana , ricercatore dell'Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse del CNR di Torino
Sabato 15 novembre 15:00 Villardora
Centro Sociale di via Pellissere
Decrescita: dalla teoria alla pratica. Scelte consapevoli e amministrazioni virtuose
Ne parliamo con:
Domenico Finiguerra Sindaco Cassinetta di Lugagnano
Comune che si oppone alla cementificazione del suolo tramite un Piano di Governo del Territorio a Crescita Zero; costruisce un piano energetico a fonti rinnovabili, e un piano concessione orti per autoproduzioni.
Marco Boschini Assessore comune di Colorno Associazione Comuni Virtuosi
Introduzione porta a porta spinta, portando la differenziata dal 30 al 70% , Attivazione progetti per la riduzione alla fonte dei rifiuti, Progetto riutilizziamo (per recuperare e rimettere in circolo oggetti altrimenti destinati alla discarica).
Odilia Negro Coordinamento Rete comuni Solidali: l’urgenza di affiancare una reale modifica dei nostri stili di vita perché abbia senso la cooperazione decentrata in altri Paesi.
Gianni Usai Dalla fabbrica di Mirafiori, operaio ed ex sindacalista, alla Cooperativa di pescatori Su Pallosu; esperienza raccontata nel film Le ragioni dell’aragosta di Sabina Guzzanti.
Carlo Ponsero Assessore comune di Guaglione, esperienze di filiera corta applicata
Venerdì 21 novembre 21:00 San Didero
Polyvalent Piazza Europa
Chronicles Valley Tav
Spectacle Theatre Company The whole is not my forte
Friday, November 21 21:00 Alpignano
village hall in via Mazzini square Girolin
The Economic Crisis and the Great Works
transfer of wealth within the social body by means of political control of public money.
I speak:
Ivan Cicconi Author The great works of the Knight expert in infrastructure and opere pubbliche
Claudio Cancelli . Ordinario di fluidodinamica presso il Politecnico di Torino
Venerdì 21 novembre 21:00 Giaglione
Salone del CESDOMEO - Centro Studi Documentazione Memoria Orale (presso gli uffici comunali)
Montagne a bassa velocità
I gestori dei rifugi alpini si confrontano con gli escursionisti e gli appassionati di montagna
Introduce e modera il dibattito Furio Chiaretta , direttore della Rivista della Montagna
Partecipano i gestori of huts and places stage of the Susa Valley and its
During the evening will be the work of Emilio Tornior on the lodges and camps in the province of Turin
Saturday, November 22 21:00 Bruzolo
Nuclear Municipal Gym at high speed. The myth of progress
Angelo Baracca, Professor of Physics at the University of Florence
Marco Cedolin writer and scholar of economics, environment and communication
Monday, November 24 21:00 Susa
Show Monsignor Rosaz
Save the Alps from transport growth
Gerardo Marletto associate professor of applied economics to 'University of Sassari.
Brown Boveri President Slow Food Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta
Damiano Simin responsible Alps Legambiente
Tuesday, November 25 21:00 Villar Focchiardo
Elementary School gym
The mountain, water chestnuts and Tav
Beppe Ferrero rangers, author of studies on damage to water sources and
George Amprimo IPLA Technical expert in chestnut
Roberto Plano Expert in chestnut Association of producers brown Susa Valley
Francesca Tagliaferri Experience Tav in Mugello, impact on the cultivation of chestnut
Wednesday, November 26 21:00 Almese
Theatre Cav. Magnetto
For a healthy kick to the Tav
When sport is also a commitment
We talk to: Paul
Sollier Coach, writer and player in Serie A in the 70
Ivana Menegon Torino Club President Almer, anti-racist organizations worldwide.
Wednesday, November 26 20:45 Pianezza
Hall of associations square Blood Donors
Stop GM
To eat healthy, not genetically modified
Speakers exponents Asci of Piedmont Solidarity Association Organized by the Italian countryside
Collective pianezzese Laboratory Zero
Thursday, November 27 20:30 Torino
Hall Centre for Voluntary Service, Via Pietro Toselli, a
Works great, great urban transformations and land stolen from the commons community
Three cities compared: Turin, Florence, Milan
Guido Montanari, Department of Housing and city-Politecnico di Torino Alberto
Ziparo , Dept. Urbanististica and planning of 'University of Florence
Giorgio Ferraresi, Department of Architecture and Planning at the Politecnico di Milano
Friday, November 28 21:00 Oulx
Council Hall
Olympic Mountains: from waste and concreting
Analysis and reflections on the legacy of the Olympics and the future of our valley.
¨ What we want to live in the mountains: a playground for tourists and disposable, or place of harmony with the land and natural beauty?
Stefano Bertone lawyer, founder of the Committee Nolimpiadi
Luca Turin joints Orsiera Rocciavrè rangers. Author of a study of overbuilding and deterioration of the territory Valsusino
Maurizio Pagliasotti - journalist, author of a survey on the Olympic legacy
Saturday, November 29 15:30 Bussoleno
Council Chamber
Why be reasonable if we are right
Roundtable with:
Giorgio Airaudo Provincial Secretary Fiom Cgil
Marco Revelli Professor of Political Science
Claudio Gates Professor of fluid mechanics at the Politecnico di Torino
Vincenzo Miliucci Spokesman Cobas Confederation
Lele Rizzo Movement notav
Saturday, November 29 21:00 Condove
Cinema City Hall
Reading and presentation of the book (publisher: Bollati Boringhieri)
Beppe Rosso Actor and theater director Philip Acti independent
Tarot playwright
Saturday, November 29 21:00 Avigliana
Middle School Auditorium Defendente Ferrari
behind every idiot there is a village. Routes to do without psychiatry
Meet Joseph Bucalo antipsychiatric founder of the Center Initiative, and the Purple Phone Sicily. For over twenty years engaged in the shelter antipsychiatric.
Sunday, November 30 16:00 San Didero
The Mountain Multipurpose Center as a place of memory. Common heritage and a resource to protect and enhance. Good practice and projects: the example of the "paths of resistance"
Theatrical Performance. It could be a quiet life. Vaccherezza April 21, 1945 and other stories by George Quarello.
Sunday, November 30 17:00 San Didero
Multipurpose Center
The Mountain as a place of memory
We spoke with:
Franco Traversa Lecturer high school Norberto Rosa di Susa
Gigi Frederick Historic and teacher at the high school of Bussoleno.
Anpi of Condove : presentation of the project "Paths of Resistance a path of living memory"
Anpi San Giorio: presentation of the project "The path of the Garda" Ore 18.30
Merenda partisan concert with local and "Trio Calvia" folk songs of protest and civil
Monday, December 1st 21:00 Caselette
Theatre Cav Mario Magnetto, via Alpignano
independent information: a commodity to risk of extinction.
Defend Biodiversity Grand Courtyard
Oliviero Beha Journalist
Marco Calabria Mediacoop
Gianluca Gobbi Flash Radio Popolare Network
Tuesday, December 2 10:00 Oulx
Institute Des Ambrois
presentation of role-playing: a teaching strategy for education for sustainability
Elena Camino Department of Animal Biology and Human
Nanni Salio Centro Studi Sereno Regis Turin
Tuesday, December 2 21:00 Bardonecchia
Palazzo delle Feste
The preservation of the landscape and quality of life in the Alps
We talk to each other: cultural and environmental associations
Committees Beauty Cipra
Mountain Association Our
Saturday, December 6 Susa
Event notav
Event notav
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