Il numero 71 di Sardegna Ventirighe, (numero doppio), è in tutte le edicole. Il periodico è in vendita anche presso le librerie IL LABIRINTO di Alghero in via Carlo Alberto, e MURRU di Cagliari in via San Benedetto. Questo numero di "ventirighe" è inviato in abbonamento postale a tutti i Clubs and Federations of the Sardinians resident in Italy and Europe, with the support of the Fondazione Banco di Sardegna. In the current issue you will find the number two in the new insert "Strip Seasons-comic book news and culture" - Speciale Lucca Comics - by Gianluca Piredda and Alessandro Bottero. Continued publication of the insert The Lost Steps - written words and its by a group of university students of Sassari. In this issue
Letters (The casino brings the mafia; Democrats, but without a vote, "Monteleprino" words that pollute)
viewed up close (Aid to the families of "dead white" Waste: traffic reports and in Sardinia; A Emergency SMS)
Visas from a distance (Referendum: Failed shoulder Soru; Appeals for signatures against the Lodo Alfano)
Cartoons Mark Ghisu (Racists, open schools)
Roma in school. Solidarity, integration and rights: the experience of the Learning Circle IX Dolce Latte in Sassari. (Edited by Maria Francesca Fantato)
School Square. Teachers, students, families rejected the measures on the school's minister Gelmini. Interview with the secretary of the FLC-CGIL Sassari Catherine Mura (ed. John Spada)
a broken dream. They tried "lamerica" \u200b\u200bfound in Italy. Interview with Bassirou Sow, Senegal, Sassari adozione.Una testimony of routine immigration in a country increasingly intolerant and xenophobia. (By Arruda and Alba Francesca Canu)
Vandana Shiva signing the "Charter of Sassari" (edited by Pietrina Chessa)
the PUC of Sassari: looking at the comments from the public. The neighborhood committees Voglino a plan that designs a city with more green and more parking.
Stray Animals and government spending (by Pietrina Chessa)
Incinerators and dioxins. Tough stance of Doctors for the Environment who denounce the manipulation of scientific data on pollution caused by incinerators.
Insert Strip Seasons-culture and comic book news "Speciale Lucca Comics" (edited by Gianluca Piredda and Alessandro Bottero)
Sassari yesterday and today, the city in the mirror. Sassari seen in 600. (Edited by Alessandro Ponzeletti)
Opus Dei's 80th birthday. Interview with the Italian Opera spokesman Pippo Corigliano in Sassari that he presented his book "A supernatural work." (Edited by Gianluca Piredda)
Population of the elect. Legality, transparency, fairness, honesty of elected: everything should go anywhere. (Edited by Giampiero Muroni)
school, but what I costi.Cari books, but also the expensive pens, notebooks e. .. water. In kindergartens of Sassari decisive economic intervention households. (Edited by Joan Tuffu)
Sassari Viva Summer 2008: a statement of cultural events in the city. Current rating uncertain: a few details about the events Cultural summer Sassari. (Edited by Francesca Arruda)
our money.
Poetry without borders: Joumana Haddad. By Stefano Flore.
our Sa limba: Su Casu Martzu. (Edited by Joan Tuffu)
cinema in Sardinia: Sassari interview with director Bonifacio Angius (edited by Nicoletta Cavaglieri)
Bachis Frau, the worker who had two souls. A book by Vitale Scanu
The story: That day the sun was cold (3rd part) of Marianna Spano (ed. Pinuccia Walls)
Music Now. The Sardinian artists try to "brincar." (Edited by Ilaria
insert n ^ 12 "The Lost Steps and its written-word." Subscribe to Sardinia
Ventirighe is easy: just put 20 euro on the postal account No. 55359244 in the name of ^ Edizioni Via Savoia 41 North West-A-07100 Sassari.
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