Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Long Can A Kidney Stone Stay In The Urethra

Big Yard 2008

A quasi tre anni di distanza dalla prima edizione del Grande Cortile riprendiamo il filo di un ragionamento mai interrotto. Allora eravamo sotto osservazione: alcuni dicevano che eravamo affetti da sindrome Nimby, e la nostra iniziativa aveva smentito la diagnosi emessa frettolosamente da apprendisti medici-politici-stregoni ansiosi di screditarci agli occhi di tutto il paese. Da allora tanti grandi cortili sono nati in giro per l’Italia e le nostre ragioni sono diventate le ragioni di molte other resistances. Common goal: to defend the democracy and be able to decide their own future.

An alloy wire then the actions that we see the protagonists. The resistance to the Plate is not just a no, though tough and determined, as will be shown again to the streets of Susa on 6 December: delude themselves who think you have worn with time and the tricks our strength.
But it is a struggle of our trench: our rebellion is made mainly of concrete proposals and practices that may foreshadow a different world, an alternative to Table, and especially to a society that denies the rights and remove any area of \u200b\u200bdemocracy . And ultimately remove a hope for the future.

In the Great Courtyard it is called the work of local economies, the use of space and territory, resources to be used by refusing the logic of disposability, quality of life, information, sports, herbs and folk medicine, the huts of active citizenship, climate changes, renewable energy sources, political control of public money, of historical memory and traditions ...

Our house is a large courtyard, whose borders are certainly not the mountains that surround the our valley, we do everything to make it more welcoming.


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