Reflexology Plantar is a technique that works on the overall energy balance, through the manipulation of the foot, in which we find the reflection of all the organs of the body. It relaxes, tones and works on diseases of the cardiovascular, muscular, lymphatic, nervous, gastrointestinal, reproductive and so on, with surprising results. for info and appointments +39 340 8272158 C / O Centro Yoga Ishwara "st. San Faustino 157 / m Modena (Italy windsor park near Viale mezzanine above the check-up) Massimini Antonia is 29 years old and began his career in 2000 participating in personal growth groups based on listening to the body by using elements of meditation, and cranio-sacral balancing. Start a theatrical journey in 2002 in which he explored the possibilities of expression and personal discovery dates from the play. In 2005 he discovered Reflexology and embarks on a successful path as a customer, jointly discovered Reiki and Reiki practitioner becomes, in 2008 decided to study at the Reflexology Association of Nature and Well-being of Modena. He is currently enrolled in the 2nd year of the Professional Counseling and Art Therapy in the aspic of Modena.
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