Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Maxine Cartoon With Sayings

Telecom Italy will limit the "file sharing"

Even Telecom Italy will launch a task of filtering network traffic aimed at reducing the amount of bandwidth occupied, first, the file sharing software. As shown in the statement of the company, both published on the website " ImpresaSemplice " (business services) and on 187.it , Telecom Italy " the principle of equal treatment and if necessary, reserves the right to introduce to all offers and / or profiles that provide commercial traffic data, temporary and non-discriminatory mechanisms limiting the use of available network resources .

The telephone operator will not block, and then, automatically, all the peer-to-peer traffic, but may impose restrictions on an individual station, where they were required to submit saturation phenomena of the available bandwidth.

In practice, Telecom says, "limited only to central that are experiencing traffic congestion, (society, ed) may intervene on the applications that lead to higher consumption network resources (peer to peer, file sharing etc..) limiting the bandwidth dedicated to them to a maximum value proportional to the total bandwidth available on a single central . "This means, in short, as stated, the limitations which come into force" as needed "in situations where the telephone is only to handle more traffic and to ensure an adequate level of performance at all subscribers.

In the description of the new developments that will come into force next March 1 (after applying some modifications to the contract terms), referring to applications affected by the "policy " alongside other conditions " file sharing "and" peer-to-peer "is the term" etc. "which unfortunately badly clarifies what other services might be affected by restrictions. Moreover, among the software " peer-to-peer " there are only known software "sucks-band": the same VoIP client Skype is a program that is based on a similar network (a network " peer-to-peer "does not have a hierarchy but each node can act as both client and server).

this page Telecom should publish and update a list of telephone exchanges affected by the new measure. Next to each of them, should be repeated time slots during which they could be put in place the re-modulation bandwidth.

The company led by Franco Bernabé seems to point to a policy aimed at optimizing the use by customers, the resources currently available. Perhaps also in view of the recent launch of service as CuboVision and CuboMusica: made by Telecom Italia, are products that allow you to distribute multimedia content on the Net behind the payment of varying amounts.

Such applications would be penalized in situations where the available bandwidth should tend to saturate it is therefore probably also for this reason that the former monopolist has decided to introduce some snares. The statement

Telecom Italy to users' consumer "is available by clicking here ; quello riservato ai clienti " business " è disponibile, invece, in questa pagina.

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