The configuration energy of 2011 the year of the rabbit According to Chinese astrology since February 4, 2011 begins the year of the rabbit (or hare)
a very nice animal, but as will be the year that you represent? First
the rabbit contains wood energy in 2011 is weakened by the metal for which the year is considered to be less fortunate than others. There is no harmony between "metal" and "wood" because there is no compatibility, on the contrary are "destructive" together in that struggle against each other. For this reason, many Chinese teachers do not like the year of the hare.
In 2011 the buildings of the rabbit with its front to the west, northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest are more fortunate in that loaded from the annual energy positive with respect to buildings located in the east, south and north.
We see in detail how they position the flying stars of 2011, must be considered before deciding to activate any of the sections of the plant energy home environment because the energy of the period is essentially the same for 20 years has an influence much stronger than annually. The energy of the configuration of the rabbit begins February 4, 2011, that date should be put to new treatments and reflect the new position of energy.
1.La star of the successful intellectual and human relations is in the northeast of the homes and businesses. It 's the star's career, promotion, and recognition of intelligence. Taking advantage of this energy you can get different results with the help of benefits right treatment of metal and water in size and scale appropriate to the area in which you want to get the results. Space to mean a house, a 'firm or any enclosed by walls and roof.
2.Il the south is dominated by negative charge of minor diseases, problems related to the digestive and respiratory system, for owners such as the bedroom of the house in this area is likely to often have some trouble of this kind. As a treatment - remedy is just to prevent using the strong metal which, with its vibration turns about 80% of the negative impact of this energy. How to use metal objects in steel, bronze or copper by weight suitable for the environment (for weight and form of treatment should be visited by a professional) or just the objects that emit a metallic sound like chimes, piano, the sognali or more. Also in this area is the area where you must absolutely not be disturbed by noise or dig the earth by gardening or construction and renovation. The feng shui consultant to establish exactly where the grades for the entire year should be careful not to turn negative energy. The area
3 nord è dominata dall’ energia dei conflitti, delle dispute. L’ energia qui è forte in quanto alimentata dall’acqua può provocare gossip , liti , risse e nei peggiori casi delle querele . Come rimedio preventivo viene usato il fuoco , comunque anche qui il professionista cioè colui che fa la consulenza feng shui decide se è il caso di risolvere col fuoco oppure no (si sconsiglia il fuoco a nord) . Per esempio se si fa un lavoro di stretto contatto col pubblico tipo l’avvocato si può decidere di sfruttare questa configurazione.
4. Nel settore sudovest troviamo la stella del romanticismo che porta fortuna in amore e talento letterario. Potremmo sfruttare questa energia aggiungendo la cura giusta per i singol in looking for a partner (focus on single women is not possible to exploit this energy at least they do not want to attract another woman). Here you can get even more creativity for artists, musicians, for writers, painters and so on. You can also strengthen the capacity for students, scholars, inventors, for those who do research in various fields and bring positive effects on signing contracts and important documents.
5. In the area located east is the most important negative energy from the first of which must be prevented with the right remedy always strong metal to avoid issues related to the digestive system, liver, bones or serious incidents. For those who have such the front door of the house in this area is likely to often have some unexpected unfortunate because with the opening of the door every day you activate this power .. Also in this area must absolutely not be disturbed by noise or dig the earth by gardening or construction and renovation. The feng shui consultant to establish exactly where the grades for the entire year should be careful not to activate the energy negative, which can result in quite serious and the type of metal required to change by at least 80% of the negativity
6.A southeast of the house or the energy company is responsible for decision-making skills , militari e strategiche , si può sfruttare per chi lavora anche in campo edile , tecnologico oppure per i lavori di squadra e i lavori autoritari tipo carabinieri , forze dell’ordine , aviazione e altro. Purtroppo il metallo è in conflitto con l’elemento legno del settore dunque il risultato è che il metallo distrugge il legno e in alcuni casi ci saranno problematiche di conflitti e mancanza di lavoro.
7. La zona centrale ospita un’energia negativa responsabile di tradimenti in affari e furti, possiamo in alcuni casi soltanto ricavare qualche fortuna tramite l’attivazione con l’acqua. Per attivare la ricchezza dunque bisogna usare l’acqua nel baricentro (quanta acqua , sotto che forma , dove e come posizionarla are tips that can be given only after analysis of the configuration energy native environment). In this case the practitioner with the client decides whether the case is and how much water, put the form in which to increase the material wealth. In some cases it is essential to accelerate the center of gravity through the strategic location of plants or animals of water, in other cases it is totally useless or just free up the passage, it depends from case to case, each environment is unique as there are people the same.
8. The star of prosperity called Ba Bai is located in the northwest. In this area the positive energy is so strong it is essential to know how to enable it to gain opportunities money and good business, aid from rich and influential people in general.
9.Nell 'west is the star of the happy events that can be used to happen a happy event expecting such a long time to get a good salary, career promotion, arrival of a child or a wedding etc.. Even in this case will be the professional with the customer to decide whether and how to enable the sector. In some cases, can not be activated because this type of energy doubles the effect of the combination of native or monthly, so if the sector contains negative energy only strengthens their negative effect.
Want to learn more about how to activate these energies in your home and the right treatment to be made for 2011?
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