Sunday, July 25, 2010

How Do I Remove Broken Capillaries On My Chest

Welcome to Studio Cristal

The Crystal is a natural healing method that uses crystals, rocks and minerals of various shapes and colors to achieve and maintain a state of mental well-being by stimulating the natural resources of the individual.

universe, everything that we can see and touch is made of matter and energy, but also everything that is not visible to the human eye is more or less consistent energy. Humans, animals, plants, minerals , solid, liquid or gaseous forms that are vibrating and feed on energy and change in continuation , thanks to its vibrational which are continually subject.

In particular, the mineral is not the most part is on our planet in the universe, and are essential to survival of the entire ecosystem. Since ancient times people who lived in different parts of the earth were able to harness the energy emitted by stones and crystals for healing and especially to improve the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of living organisms.

Minerals are strategic ordinary harmonic structures created by nature, able to reorder, according to their personal property, any form of energy that passes through. The stones and crystals that absorb and emit energy changes according to their shape, chemical components of color.

The person to be treated is made lay comfortably on a couch therapeutic, in a room marked prepared energy clean, with a suitable atmosphere with soothing music, soft lighting or candles and incense. And then some tuto begin.

The person is lying, when relaxation the operator shall do an energy analysis dala therapist every person hides several methods to make an energy analysis and begins to put the crystals on the body at various points that chakra body imbalance, and places them on other parts of the body problematic or outside the physical body in contact with the bodies subtle joke that every living person.

The crystals are chosen and positioned decide the terapeuta.Per each person gets them energy analysis therapist and decide the right combination energy of crystals to the person to be treated.

The session lasts from twenty to thirty minutes to an hour. At this time the operator will remove energy blockages and restore proper balance through the use of other crystals or using other holistic disciplines in which specialized . The crystal
therapy restores balance and mental and physical energy, creating a progressive improvement health.

From the point of view Medicinei Aterno human being is understood as a separable in body, mind, heart and spirit are one. The

Crystal therapy is the use of various crystals to treat the symptoms of the disease and targeting the causes thereof. You must choose the right crystal, place it on the affected area and let it work.

vibrations and energy of the crystal chosen in crystal therapy dissolve energy blockages and restoring balance and harmony in our spiritual body in our physical body.

All other crystals and stones have rather specific functions and however they must meet three phases:

Purification crystal
activation energy of the crystal
Programming of features of the crystal targeted for therapeutic purposes

The Crystal therapy is a real method healing: matching the crystals to the energy centers of our body, called chakras , some theories propose to bring the buds in contact with the points of reflection nology, also suitable for acupuncture China ..

Even the zodiac match stones and metals to the various signs, and it 's a story old and very charming . Who does not know

amulets or talismans?
that even today many use them as decoration with different purposes.
To understand in what form the cristaloterapia acts is necessary to amend or rather agree to change the way we see ourselves and everything around us. We used to see things only in the form of matter forget that everything that exists on this earth and the universe is energy and vibration. Do not forget

vibrations that diseases are distorted as all the vibrations are projected outside of our physical body and are found aura through the chakra : here reflect our moods and our physical condition. So the crystals help fight diseases but as other alternative therapies are not able to perform miracles, so do not replace doctor

The Chinese even bury in the basement of their home jade, to protect it from pericoli.Poi Cineza hano used and use them so much crystals by miliaia of animals up for adhering curasi and their environment and to treat them homes where they live. We see the stones together

more known and their usefulness .

- Aquamarine: Protects from the problems of the oral cavity, intestinal diseases, also protects sea travel in

- Agate: tonic , soothing the stomach, cramps and nervous, give peace to couples

- Amber: protects against rheumatism, bronchitis and sinusitis fights all the more fascinating

- Amethyst: calm headaches, fights insomnia, helps blood cell production rossi.E used to open the third eye.

- Aventurine: promotes healing, stimulates thinking positive , It 's a lucky amulet for money

- coral care movement disorders , regulates the menstrual cycle, and an anti depressant , excellent amulet contro il malocchio

- diamante: dona vitalita e forza, elimina le tossine, purifica nodi energetici. E’ il simbolo dell’ amore per antonomasia, protegge dall’invidia

- ematite: combatte le anemie, aiuta ad essere p concreti e pratici, protegge dalle negatività

- giada:e un cardi protettivo , stimola l’ottimismo, protegge in generale

- granato :e’ una pietra che favorisce la calma interiore, dona coraggio, e considerata una pietra scaccia demoni

- kurzite : favorisce la distensione dei muscoli, e una pietra magica e utile per le pratiche dell’amore

- lapislazzuli :combatte le infiammazioni del cavo orale, aiuta nei casi di depressione, attacchi di timidezza, e’ una pietra protettiva

- malachite : protegge dalle malattie agli occhi, sinusiti, dolori di qualsiasi origine, cura gli stasi ansiosi, e’ anche considerata la pietra della speranza e dell’amore

- occhio di tigre: protegge il fegato, il pancreas, e’ un forte porta fortuna for money and wealth

- Onyx: Helps heal wounds, to prepare serenity of mind, absorbs negativity

- opal: it protects the nervous system, makes people happy and cheerful positive influence on the mind legal issues

- pearl skin care problems, disorders of the stomach , diabetes promotes a tender love

- quartz ( can be citrine, smoky, pink , mutilated) stimulates positive thoughts, to live in harmony

- Ruby: it stimulates la circolazione e una buona sessualità , porta fiducia in se stessi e coraggio, protegge dalla sfortuna e dai nemici

- smeraldo: cura le infezioni agli occhi e le sudorazioni eccessive, dona gioia e benessere, placa le collere

- topazio: protegge la digestione, il fegato: Calma le fami nervose, e’ un ottimo amuleto contro l’invidia

- Turchese: e’ un buon ricostituente , protegge gli occhi dalle infezioni e dalla cataratta

- Zaffiro. E’ ottimo contro tossi, raffreddori, catarri. Ottimo anti depressivo . Stimola l’ottimismo


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