Each item can be achieved in various sizes, including larger and paint in various colors. On request we also produce products with customer's design. For more Information and orders send a mail to hours
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the best of you ... you fall in love and disaffection ...
There are stories that last year in recent years and maybe you fall in love and disaffection. Some stop loving each other, but are still together. Others decide to leave, but do need time. Before trying to figure out if they are really safe, or if it is only a temporary crisis. If we are convinced that the end is really over, must still find a way to do it, the right parole per lenire il dolore . Ci sono persone che su questo punto possono anche perdere mesi , a volte addirittura anni . C’è anche chi ci ha perso una vita e quel passo non l’ha mai fatto.
Molti non riescono a lasciare, semplicemente perché non sanno dove andare, oppure perché non riescono a sopportare l’idea di essere responsabili del dolore dell’altro . Un dolore intenso, che può provare solo qualcuno con il quale abbiamo vissuto in intimità. Si ha la convinzione che un dolore improvviso sia troppo forte e faccia maggior danno a little pain , but determined by the day. These reports go ahead even if the person who is going to be left has already figured out. Why prefers to ignore it. When neither is able to address the situation, the mechanism is jammed. Both are overwhelmed by their inability and that of others. So take time. Waste time. Exhausted time. The person who is going to be left almost always becomes more loving, kinder, more consensual, does not understand that this makes the situation worse, because any person loses too condescending charm.
C'è anche chi rimanda, sperando che l'altro faccia un passo falso , un errore, manifesti anche solo una piccola debolezza per potersi aggrappare a quelle ed usarla come scusa per non sentirsi carnefice.
A volte anche quando non ci si ama più e ci si rende la vita impossibile a vicenda si continua ad essere gelosi. E non ci si lascia per impedire ad altri di avvicinarsi. Sono tanti i motivi per cui si resta insieme. Magari in una storia di 5 anni si è stati innmorati e ci si è amati solamente per due, o tre, o quattro. Per questo la qualità di una storia non può essere misurata dalla durata. Non conta the quantum, but how.
"THE KEY is a package of 'secret information based on the law of 'Interest on feng shui and modern symbols created specifically for those who want to experience true love in his life, his passion is derived from the purity of duty, the spiritual and material well-being, success in business. contains THE KEY modern creative formulas that have been successfully on many people especially in America then you just have to try them. You'll be surprised by their effectiveness and speed with which they work. "Gabriela Balaj
KEY is unique in its kind, impossible to find on other sites and contains in addition to the secret symbols:
18 creative processes powerful and easy to apply to get more love ; 8 creative processes powerful and easy to get more welfare ; 8 powerful and valuable creative processes to achieve more success . purchasing this information only to learn how to:
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List of titles
"... is music to your eyes"
1. "The seal of love" - \u200b\u200bthe secret formula for enhancing a love
2. "The egg of love" - \u200b\u200bthe secret formula to attract a passionate partner
3. "The blanket of love" - \u200b\u200bthe secret formula for an astral journey to your soulmate
4. "Tea bags" - the secret formula that brings harmony and balance in the couple
5. "Abracadabra" - a secret formula to get more charm and charisma
6. "Love effervescent" - the secret formula to attract the creative love of a person effervescent
7. "The magnet of love" - \u200b\u200bthe secret formula to turn passions
8. "The cream romantic longing" - the secret formula that brings love magic
9. "Sexual Applause" - the secret formula to make the most hidden desires
10. "Sweet Song" - the secret formula to attract a new love in your life
11. "The queen's bath" - the secret formula for charging for creative erotic appeal
12. "Magic Mirror" - the secret formula for becoming a very attractive
13. "The attraction for phone" - the secret formula che trasforma situazioni apparentemente senza uscita in occasioni di pura felicità
14.”Recupera l’anima” - la formula segreta per dimenticare una relazione sbagliata
15.”Le carte da poker” - la formula segreta per riportare la persona amata nella tua vita
16.”Il cuore spezzato” - la formula segreta per “guarire” da una sofferenza d’amore
17.”Libro passionale” - la formula segreta per ottenere una vita piena d’amore
18. "Bananas" - the secret formula for eternal love
1. "Water" - the secret formula to remove negativity and to achieve physical and spiritual well
2. "Earth" - the secret formula to remove negativity and to achieve physical and spiritual well
3. "Aria" - the secret formula to remove negativity and to achieve physical and spiritual well
4. "Fire" - the secret formula to remove negativity and to achieve physical and spiritual well
5. "Mountains" - the secret formula for the development of personal skills and to achieve physical and spiritual well
6. "Harmony" - the secret formula to promote harmony among family members and achieve physical and spiritual well
7. "Peace" - the secret formula to bring peace in the house and to get physical and spiritual well
8. "Marriage" - the secret formula to save a marriage and to achieve physical and spiritual well
one. "Venus" - the secret formula to change their lives and make a lot of money
2. "gold" - the secret formula to attract a good job
3. "Ten Days" - the secret formula to attract a sum of money within 10 days
4. "Mantra" - the secret formula for getting easy money
5. "Star" - the secret formula to make so that you get a large amount of €
6. "Candelabra" - the secret formula to achieve your greatest wish
7. "Symbol" - the secret formula to always have a full wallet
8. "Third Eye" - the secret formula for success in life
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