Thursday, May 21, 2009

Matlab Recommended System Requirements R2007a


Ventirighe The number 81 of Sardinia, is in all newsagents. This number will be distributed in all the kiosks not only of Sassari, Porto Torres and municipalities of the coast (Stintino, Sorso Sennori, Castelsardo, Vallejo, Badesi, Trinidad and Aglientu) as well as on newsstands in Alghero, Olmedo, Villanova, Putifigari, Roman Ittiri, Ossi, Uri, Usini, Thiesi, Florinas, Codrongianos, Bonnannaro, Siligo Banari, Bessude, Thiesi, Cheremule, Borutta, Giave, Cossoine, Mores, Bonorva. Il periodico è in vendita anche presso le librerie IL LABIRINTO di Alghero in via Carlo Alberto, e MURRU di Cagliari in via San Benedetto.
Questo numero di "ventirighe" è inviato in abbonamento postale a tutti i Circoli e le Federazioni dei sardi residenti in Italia e in Europa, grazie al sostegno della Fondazione del Banco di Sardegna. Continua la pubblicazione dell'inserto "Strip Seasons- attualità e cultura a fumetti" - a cura di Gianluca Piredda e Alessandro Bottero.

I n questo numero
Lettere (Uffici pubblici: se questa vuol essere una città; meglio ladri che rossi; terremotati ingannati?)
Bloc Notes1 (Il nord ovest è in crisi. Di idee; The Germans are secular; Balances working fine, retain the luxury tax, Sardinians in Tuscany are on the web)
Bloc Notes2 Silvio story: Flip-slap-slap. The cartoons of Mark
Ghisu (Ugo what the weather? Monuments-open)
"the unity of the Sardinians to prevail." Interview with Bruno Dettori, candidate of the Democratic Party in the European elections in June. (Edited by Francesca Fantato)
The elderly in cities: a resource or social burden? The situation of the elderly in Sassari. (Edited by Francesca Arruda).
Benènnidas: the register of carers of the town of Sassari (edited by Francesca Arruda).
Sassari through the eyes of a caregiver. A Rumanian woman tells her story. (Edited by Francesca Arruda)
A roof over their head (and more) thanks to St. Vincent (edited by Maria Paola Giordano)
The privatization of immigration. The role of trade unions and the voluntary sector in supporting foreign bdanti. (Edited by Maria Paola Giordano)
insert number 16 Strip Seasons: 8-page comic book news and culture (edited by Gianluca Piredda and Alessandro Bottero)
"Sassari is a generous city." The opinion of the Councillor for Social Policies of the town of Sassari, Cecilia Sechi (edited by Francesca Arruda)
The Way of the Cross of residence permits (edited by Maria Paola Giordano).
The neighborhood committees: an example of participatory democracy and effective. The evaluation Mark Ussi coordinator of neighborhood committee Monserrato Rizzeddu.
Snatch of the G8 and beyond.
Sassari yesterday and today, the city in the mirror. End 800: Sassari begins to change (by Alessandro Ponzelletti)
Sassarivivamaggio: Art culture performances by Urban Metamorphosis - For signa Milites.
Poetry without borders: Pedro Salinas (edited by Stefano Flore)
cinema in Sardinia. "If you do not pay sardo": The case of Giovanni Columbu. (Edited by Nicoletta Cavaglieri)
the story. The thing that got me thinking (by Marianna Spano)
The book: The eyes are now
Water Music. The cultures of the world in concert to save the environment. (By Ilaria Pella-
Ventirighe Subscribe to Sardinia is easy: just pour 30 € on postal account No. 55359244 in the name of ^ Edizioni Via Savoia 41 North West-A-07100 Sassari.


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