your side? WE KNOW!
TORINO, May 10, 2008
La situazione in cui versa la popolazione palestinese si aggrava di giorno in giorno: dall’assedio/embargo contro la striscia di Gaza alle incursioni aeree e di terra dell’esercito israeliano in tutti i territori occupati, dalla costruzione del Muro dell’Apartheid alle condizioni di vita dei profughi e dei palestinesi residenti in Israele, le autorità israeliane commettono continui crimini di guerra e contro i diritti civili, ignorando decine di risoluzioni dell’ONU e costringendo milioni di persone in condizioni di vita disastrose.
Ogni giorno i soldati ai Check-Point impongono umiliazioni ad anziani, donne e bambini, riducendo il tempo quotidiano a disposizione dei palestinesi per lavorare, studiare, fare politica, progettare il futuro. La penuria e in molti casi l’assenza di viveri e combustibile produce una situazione di povertà intollerabile, mentre le condizioni igieniche nei campi profughi continuano ad essere raccapriccianti.
Israele attua un vero e proprio politicidio – il tentativo di distruggere la soggettività sociale e politica stessa palestinese, anche con episodi di pulizia etnica – nei confronti di una popolazione smembrata, umiliata, oppressa, occupata. Ai palestinesi viene impedita ogni forma di organizzazione and resistance, of dissent and expression. It 'just the most peaceful protest because the Army uses tear gas and gunshots into the crowd, and every militant action is punished with mass reprisals. E 'accounts of the macabre and racist wars of the twenty-first century: a dead or a prisoner Israel will have to die or be arrested hundreds of Palestinians and Lebanese.
In this context of brutal abuse of power, international institutions are silent, the press censorship and minimizes the Western countries, European governments and U.S. enter into alliances and tighten economic, diplomatic and military contacts with the Israeli government. Even the non-conventional weapons and the scandalous distruzioni causate dalla guerra contro il Libano del 2006 impedirono a tutti i governi del G8 di proclamare la loro fedeltà all’alleato di ferro in medioriente.
Secondo la stessa logica, le istituzioni italiane si schierano apertamente ad ogni livello: dal Presidente della Repubblica ai governi di questi anni, dalle istituzioni locali a quelle militari o commerciali, l’alleanza strategica con Israele non viene mai messa in discussione, nonostante il tributo di sangue della popolazione palestinese. Da Silvio Berlusconi a Walter Veltroni, da Sergio Chiamparino a Giuliano Ferrara, da Gianfranco Fini ai principali giornalisti televisivi e della carta stampata, nessuno si sottrae al rito della solidarietà incondizionata policies of the great ally, also renewed by the most conformist of the intellectual class, and a beaming Mr Berlusconi's election victory to announce that the first diplomatic tour of the new government will have Israel as their destination.
What's more, this year in which the Palestinians live in the present and the mourning in memory - the sixtieth anniversary of the war of 1948 - one of the biggest cultural events of Europe, the Fair
A clear choice, a political choice, a choice of side: not only for what is happening today in Palestine, but because the memory of the events of 1948 results in a "celebration" of the Nakbah, the "catastrophe" for the Palestinian people. 850,000 refugees on the run, 531 villages destroyed, tens of thousands of deaths, and a huge legacy of blood and violence. Many have asked, appalled, by Arab societies and the world: what is there to celebrate, to "put Featured, "to celebrate?
In this world of permanent global war, the culture is militarized, even writers have to wear a helmet: it is the price they ask for the political institutions of the countries at war in exchange for career, fame and money. But without the fame and no money for the landless and without peace, where hospitality, what an honor it? To the memory of the vanquished, the persecuted and oppressed in Palestine and throughout the world, which was set up bench?
Once again it is up to social movements and internationalism, to the citizens, workers and students, even at the urging of appeals come from Palestine to take part for those affected by the barbarism of war and the infamy of global capitalist domination. For this it is time to take to the streets in Turin and reach with our protest to the Lingotto, home of the Book Fair, to claim
- The end of the Israeli and U.S. and EU sanctions against the Gaza Strip
- end to the occupation of the territories
- Destruction of the Apartheid Wall
- Respect for the dignity and rights of the Palestinians living within Israeli borders
- The right of return of all refugees
- The release of all Palestinian political prisoners
In addition to denounce the authoritarian and militaristic policies of Israel, and the difficulties in that country meet people who make their own political culture, or different from the official historical memory, we show for
- The end of the alliance diplomatic, economic and military alliance between Italy and Israel
- cultural policies that accommodate the memory and the reasons for the criticism of the oppressed and the oppressors
- The full political freedom in Israel for the movement against war and 'employment
- Full and effective freedom of historical research in Israeli universities
- The release of all resisting Israeli military conscription
Israel is not a guest of honor!
Free Palestine!
14 May 10 2008
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